Lorenzo Bandini التطبيقات

C# Array Examples 1.4
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof C# Array.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# Array methods, properties and useful topicsincluding Array initialization syntaxes, Compare string arrays,Array merge without duplicates, Merge two arrays, Create chararray, Create string from char array, Initialize string array,Initialize two dimensional string array, Convert string array tolist, Convert string to byte array, Convert byte array to string,Array sort descending, Array copy, Check string array contains avalue, Int array contains, Array contains case insensitive, Checkstring contains a string in string array, Check char array containsa char, Add new item in existing array, Array append, Int arrayaverage, Sum an int array items, Array any, Any operator with anstring array, Pass array as parameter, Double array initialization,Convert double array to string, Convert string array to doublearray, Convert string array to int array, Convert decimal array tostring, Decimal array to string array, Convert decimal array todouble array, String array to string, String array to commaseparated string, String array to csv, Array binary search, Arrayof objects, Array concat, Array clone, Create array withnon-default value, Array delete element, Array delete duplicateelements, Array distinct, Array dimension length, Array difference,Array with different data types, Array exists, Initialize emptyarray, Array except, Array Resize() Method, Array find and moreexamples code.
C# Dictionary Examples 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof C# Dictionary.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# Dictionary many methods, properties and usefultopics including Dictionary initialization, Dictionary Add()Method, Clear() Method, ContainsKey() Method, ContainsValue()Method, Remove() Method, Convert Dictionary Keys into array,Convert Dictionary values into array, Count Property, Iterate overa Dictionary, Dictionary to List, Dictionary add key value pair,Dictionary sort by key, Dictionary sort by value, Dictionary sortdescending, Dictionary sort DateTime value, Dictionary TryGetValue,Dictionary remove range, Dictionary remove by condition, Dictionarykeys to list, Dictionary get key by index, Dictionary find key byvalue, Dictionary merge, Dictionary union, Dictionary add if notexists, Dictionary update value, Dictionary update key, Dictionaryfind duplicate values, Dictionary from list, Dictionary reverse,Dictionary to string and more examples code.
C# XSLT Examples 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples code of ASP.NETC#XSLT.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots areloadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# XSLT useful topics including XSLToutputmethod HTML to convert XML document to HTML, XSLTxsl:for-each touse for each loop in XSLT, XSLT xsl:value-of toselect XML elementvalue using XSLT, XSLT xsl:param to use parameterin XSLT, XSLTxsl:variable to use variable in XSLT, XSLTxsl:copy-of, XSLT xsl:ifto evaluate if condition, Evaluate multipleconditions in XSLT,XSLT xsl:template, XSLT xsl:sort to sort data,XSLT xsl:element,XSLT xsl:stylesheet, Pass parameters to XSLTdocument, XSLTxsl:choose, xsl:when and xsl:otherwise.
C# String Examples 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples code of C# String.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots areloadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# String methods, properties and usefultopicsincluding Escape brackets in a formatted string, Countoccurrencesof a string within a string, String format to add commasinthousands place for a number, First n characters from astring,Repeat a string, Split a string on newlines, String splitbystring, String split to list, Comma delimited string toarray,String format number, String format phone number, Stringformatnumber leading zero, String format number 2 decimal places,Stringformat currency no cents, String format currency with dollarsign,String format currency localization, String formatcurrencynegative, String format date yyyy-MM-dd, String format datewithouttime, String format decimal percentage, String formathexadecimal,String format fixed length, String contains regex,String containsignore case, String append and more examples code.
C# Stack Examples 1.4
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof C# Stack.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# Stack methods, properties and useful topicsincluding initialize a new instance of Stack, Stack Clear() Method,Stack Contains() Method, Stack Count Property, Stack Peek() Method,Stack Pop() Method, Stack Push() Method, Stack ToArray() Method andmore examples code.
Tutorials For C# SqlDataSource 1.6
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET C# SqlDataSource.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# SqlDataSource useful code includingUpdate Data using GridView and SqlDataSource, Programmaticallyadding SqlDataSource and ControlParameter, SqlDataSource UpdatedEvent, SqlDataSource FilterParameters and FilterExpression, Handlenull value parameters in SqlDataSource, Stored procedure forselecting records, CancelSelectOnNullParameter Property,SqlDataSource SelectCommandType Text and StoredProcedure, UsingQueryStringParameter and StoredProcedure in SqlDataSource, Usingreturn parameter values from stored procedure, SqlDataSourceSelectParameters, Delete records using GridView and SqlDataSourceand SqlDataSource Deleted Event.
C# XML Examples 1.2
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples code of ASP.NET C#XML.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# XML methods, properties and useful topicsincluding XmlReader to read and process XML file element name,XmlReader to read and process XML file element data, XmlReaderReadState to get present read state of XmlReader, XmlReaderHasAttributes and GetAttribute to read attribute, XmlReaderSettingswith XmlReader, WriteAttributeString() Method, WriteComment()Method, XmlWriter and XmlWriterSettings, XML WriteStartElement()Method, WriteEndElement() Method, WriteElementString() Method, XMLADO.NET GetXml() Method, XML Serialization and XML Deserialization.
ASP.NET Ajax Examples 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit's controls..* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET Ajax basics and controls including Ratingcontrol, DropDownExtender,ColorPickerExtender, AsyncFileUpload, FilteredTextBoxExtender,HoverMenuExtender,ValidatorCalloutExtender, SliderExtender, TextBoxWatermarkExtender,PasswordStrength,DropShadowExtender, RoundedCornersExtender, NumericUpDownExtender,ListSearchExtender,DragPanelExtender, ConfirmButtonExtender, CollapsiblePanelExtender,CalendarExtender,AlwaysVisibleControlExtender, TabContainer and TabPanel,ResizableControlExtender,PagingBulletedListExtender, ComboBox, Accordion and AccordionPane,MaskedEditValidator,MaskedEditExtender, UpdateProgress, UpdatePanel,AsyncPostBackTrigger, Timer and ScriptManager.
ASP.NET System.IO Examples 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET C# System.IO.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# System.IO useful code including Copy afile programmatically, File copy and overwrite, Check whether afile exists, Delete a file programmatically, Create a text file andwrite text programmatically, Create a directory programmatically,Delete a directory programmatically, Determine whether a directoryexists, Get names of files in a specified directory and Getphysical application path.
ASP.NET ListView Examples 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET C# ListView control.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# ListView control's useful code includingListView with DataPager Server Control, ListView LayoutTemplateTable, ListView GridView type layout, ListView ItemTemplate andAlternatingItemTemplate, DataBind ListView programmatically,ListView SelectedItemTemplate, ListView EmptyDataTemplate andListView ItemSeparatorTemplate.
Kids Bug 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
*Simple, easy and funny bugs tapping gamesforkids.*Tap the moving bugs quickly and the end of game, it willdisplaynumber of bugs tapped.*Bugs are different colored and color generate dynamically.*Each time game display a dynamically generatedbackgroundcolor.*Game background color are animated and change ontimeinterval.*This game can easily play my three years old baby.025d4188c9
ASP.NET FileUpload Examples 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET C# FileUpload control.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# FileUpload control's useful codeincluding Upload file with specific extension, FileUpload controlvalidation, File upload error handling, Get posted file full name,Get posted file content length (file size), Get posted file contenttype and Rename uploaded file.
ASP.NET State Management 1.5
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ASP.NET C# State Management.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ASP.NET C# State Management useful code includingHow to use application state, Lock and unlock application state,Create a cookie, Read a cookie, Set cookie expires date time, Setvalue in a cookie, Encode an URL, Cross-Page PostBack, Read datafrom ViewState and Save data to ViewState.
C# Generic List Examples 1.4
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof C# Generic List.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# Generic List useful methods and propertiesexamples including Initializing Generic List, Add() Method,AddRange() Method, Generic List capacity, Clear() Method,Contains() Method, CopyTo() Method, Count Property, ForEach()Method, GetRange() Method, ToArray() Method, IndexOf() Method,Insert() Method, InsertRange() Method, LastIndexOf() Method,RemoveAt() Method, Remove() Method, RemoveRange() Method, Reverse()Method, Reverse() method with range, Sort() Method and moreimportant topics.
Gradient Live Wallpaper 1.1
Lorenzo Bandini
* A very simple live wallpaper.* This live wallpaper animate random gradient color.* It generate both linear, radial and sweep gradients.* No settings are required.
Tutorials For Android 1.3
Lorenzo Bandini
* 150+ tutorial for Android programming andapp development.* All code are colored.* Tutorials can be read in off line, only images load fromweb.* Easy to use and well navigation.* It has both beginner and advance level tutorials.* Most of tutorials has screen shot.* Tutorials for Android Spinner, DatePicker, DatePickerDialog,TimePicker, TimePickerDialog, ActionBar, ToolBar,GridView, RecyclerView, CardView, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout,TableLayout, TabLayout, GridLayout, Animation, Canvas, Bitmap,BitmapShader, Drawable, Paint, ProgressBar, AlertDialog, WebView,ViewPager, ColorFilter, Color Picker, Rounded Bitmap, CircularBitmap, ImageView, Activity, AutoCompleteTextView,MultiAutoCompleteTextView, ToggleButton, CountDownTimer, SwitchButton, NumberPicker, RatingBar, JASON, Widget, Live Wallpaper,TextToSpeech, Image Gallery, BaseAdapter, ViewHolder,SharedPreferences, Notification,Elevation, TextClock, AnalogClock, DigitalClock, Gradient, Blur,Emboss, Deboss Text Effect and many more.
Linear Gradient Live Wallpaper 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* A very simple live wallpaper.* This live wallpaper animate random gradient color.* Wallpaper only generate linear gradients.* No settings are required.
Readers Web Browser 1.1
Lorenzo Bandini
* Readers Browser is a web browser for Androiddevices.* Readers browser specially made for those who readarticles/blog/news/tutorials on various web sites.* Readers Browser home page is a search page where users can searchanything and visit those site.* Browser have two type of bookmarks, one is site bookmarks andanother one is page bookmarks. So, when users visit a page thenthey can bookmark that page or that site’s domain (home page) orboth.* Readers browser have two toolbar one is top toolbar and anotherone is bottom toolbar.* Top toolbar bookmark menu item indicate which site/page isalready bookmarked. They also can navigate page bookmarks list andsite bookmarks list.* Readers browser allow user to change text zooming. So users canread the web page as their preferred text size.* Readers browser also allow to block/unblock images on web page.So, when users have limited data plan, they can block image loadingon web page and can still read text.* Readers Browser also allow users to navigate browser back andforward history. Those menu icon also indicate when back/forwardhistory available.* Browser also have a search menu item icon, which allow to opensearch page by single tap.* Browser allow to clear all cache data.* Browser allow to clear all form data.* Browser allow to delete all history.* App show a list of page bookmarks. Users can remove any bookmarkfrom this list.* App also display a list of site home page bookmarks. Users canremove any bookmark from this list.* Browser allow to reload a page by tapping menu icon.* Browser display a progress bar while a page loading.
Colored Live Wallpaper 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* A very simple live wallpaper.* This live wallpaper animate a color pallet.* No settings are required.
Battery Doctor 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* Boost battery charging speed.* Display battery charging level.* Stop non system background processes for fast charging.* Allow users to disable power consuming services - location,wifiand bluetooth.* Users can change screen brightness to save power.* Display battery health.* Display battery voltage.* Display battery present temperature.
Laizu Browser 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* Faster web browser.* Text zooming support.* Web page zooming support.* Image loading on off support.* Caching support for faster page load.* History back forward navigation allowed.* Well designed page bookmarks section.* Well designed site bookmarks section.
100+ Tutorials for ASP.NET 1.1
Lorenzo Bandini
* 100+ asp.net tutorials and examplescode.* Most examples code have screen shot.* Tutorials can be browse off line, only screen shots are loadedfrom web.* Code highlighted using highlightjs.org script.* Tutorials include Ajax, SqlDataSource, ListView, FileUpload,Profile, State Management, Session and System.IO.
Khulna Weather Widget 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* Very simple weather widget.* Widget only display Bangladesh, Khulna city weather data.* Just install it and no settings are required.* Tap the widget to get refreshed weather data.* It also check Internet connection availability, so user cancheckInternet connection by tapping the widget.
450+ Tutorials For C# 1.1
Lorenzo Bandini
* 450+ c# tutorials and examples code.* Most examples code have screen shot.* Tutorials can be browse off line, only screen shots are loadedfrom web.* Code highlighted using highlightjs.org script.* Tutorials include array, string, dictionary, generic list, stack,date time, drawing, linq, xml, xslt and ado.net.
Tutorials For C# LINQ 1.6
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof C# LINQ.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains C# LINQ Count Operator, Max Operator, Min Operator,OrderByDescending Operator, Orderby operator, Select Operator, SumOperator, All Operator, Any Operator, Contains Operator, DistinctOperator, Reverse Operator, Skip Operator, SkipWhile Operator,ElementAt Operator, First Operator, First Operator with condition,FirstOrDefault Operator, FirstOrDefault operator with condition,Last Operator with condition, LastOrDefault Operator, LastOrDefaultoperator with condition, Take Operator, TakeWhile Operator, ConcatOperator, DefaultIfEmpty Operator, ElementAtOrDefault Operator,Range Operator, Repeat Operator, SequenceEqual Operator, SingleOperator, Single operator with condition, SingleOrDefault Operator,SingleOrDefault operator with condition, Cast Operator, ExceptOperator, Intersect Operator, OfType Operator, ToArray Operator andothers.
Tutorials For ADO.NET C# 1.9
Lorenzo Bandini
* This app contains many useful examples codeof ADO.NET C#.* Each example code have screenshot.* Examples code can be browse offline, only screenshots are loadedfrom internet.* Code highlighted by highlightjs.org script.* All examples code are colored.* App contains ADO.NET C# many methods, properties and usefultopics including SqlDataReader, DataAdapter, SqlParameter,DataTable, DataTable expression column, adding multiple DataColumnsto a DataTable, DataColumn DefaultValue Property, DataColumnMaxLength Property, get whether DataTable contains a specifiedDataColumn, get the total number of DataColumn in a DataTable, getall DataColumns name from DataTable, get index of a DataColumn froma DataTable, get DataColumn DataType from DataTable, get DataColumnMaxLength from DataTable, adding a DataRow to DataTable, change aDataColumn Ordinal in DataTable, insert a new DataRow intoDataTable at the specified location, remove a DataRow by index fromDataTable, DataTable AcceptChanges() Method, DataTable RowDeletingEvent, DataTable Copy() Method, DataTable Compute() Method,DataTable Merge() Method, create a DataView, DataView SortProperty, DataView ToTable() Method and more examples code.
Sweep Gradient Live Wallpaper 1.0
Lorenzo Bandini
* Simple gradient colors animatedLiveWallpaper.* This Live Wallpaper animate sweep gradient colors only.* Gradient color animate behind a transparent glass.* No settings required.
Spelling Quiz
Lorenzo Bandini
Spelling Quiz - 25000 English Words
English Pronunciation UK US 2.1
Lorenzo Bandini
English pronunciation both in American and British accents.Thousands of words.
Idioms & Phrases 1.4
Lorenzo Bandini
English Idioms and phrases with meanings, example sentences, andpronunciations.
@Spelling - Hear it spell it 1.4
Lorenzo Bandini
* English words spelling practicing app. * Huge words (25000).*Both UK (British) and USA (American) pronunciation. * Userscanview their spelled words history. * Easy to use.
Mini Dictionary English Bangla 3.6
Lorenzo Bandini
English to Bangla mini dictionary. We listed here thousands ofEnglish words.
English Sentences + Bangla 1.3
Lorenzo Bandini
Common English sentences with their Bangla translations andpronunciations.
Pronunciation English + Bangla 1.6
Lorenzo Bandini
English words American and British accents pronunciation withBangla meanings.
Phrasal Verbs & Bangla 1.3
Lorenzo Bandini
English Phrasal verbs with English and Bangla meanings and examplesentences.